Starts from 30th May 2024

Mon to Sat – 7 PM to 8PM IST

Learning Python, SQL & Linux is Worthy?

Join Frontlines Edutech’s coding expedition, where Python, SQL, and Linux blend seamlessly to craft a distinctive learning experience tailored just for you.

Python Ranking

Python ranks as the third most sought-after language by recruiters, showcasing its widespread popularity and value in the tech industry.

SQL Demand

SQL remains the cornerstone of data storage, retrieval, and manipulation across industries, ensuring its persistent demand and job opportunities.

Linux is Essential

Employers actively seek professionals with Linux expertise, recognizing its crucial role in modern infrastructure.

Python Growth

The demand for Python developers has witnessed a remarkable 41% increase worldwide, signaling a robust and growing need for skilled Python professionals.

SQL Ranking

SQL ranks as the fourth most requested skill by employers, highlighting its enduring value in the tech landscape.

Linux Necessity.

The rise of cloud computing and containerization, both heavily reliant on Linux, further fuels demand for Linux professionals.

Python Future ?

Python Market, By Deployment (Cloud Based, Web Based), By Organization Size (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises), By Platform (Windows, Linux, Android, Others), By Application, By Verticals and By Region Forecast to 2030

Python has seen a huge increase in jobs. There are currently more than 11,000 job advertisements worldwide on Glassdoor for Python-related roles, with Indeed having around 14,000 roles. Compared to the roles related to Java, Indeed currently has nearly double the amount for Python which only goes to show how big the Python job market is at the moment.

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Why should I learn FLM's PSL (Python, SQL & Linux)?

Why Learn This Course?
Where Python, SQL & Linux is used?
Python SQL & Linux Statistics

Frontlines Edutech's course in Python, SQL, and Linux isn't just about skills – it's a career booster designed for you.

Learn the ropes of Python coding, become a data management expert with SQL, and master Linux for system control.

These in-demand skills are your ticket to stand out in the job market, making you a valuable asset from day one. Elevate your career prospects and set the stage for success with Frontlines Edutech. Your journey to becoming a sought-after professional starts here

Frontlines Edutech welcomes you to a tech playground where Python, SQL, and Linux become your tools for success in a course that's tailor-made for your unique learning style.

  • From Netflix's personalized recommendations to Uber's efficient routing, Python's flexibility empowers developers to build dynamic web applications, automate tasks, and explore machine learning.
  • Data scientists and analysts rely on Python's extensive libraries to analyze vast datasets, visualize trends, and build predictive models, driving informed decisions across fields.
  • SQL provides the keys to organize, store, and retrieve data effectively, acting as the foundation for e-commerce giants like Amazon, social media hubs like Facebook, and financial institutions worldwide.
  • Its structured querying language empowers businesses to extract valuable insights, fuel marketing strategies, optimize operations, and drive innovation.
  • Over 96% of the world's top websites and major cloud providers rely on Linux's stability and security to power their infrastructure, ensuring seamless browsing experiences and scalable applications.
  • Linux open-source nature fosters a global community of developers, fostering customization, cost-effective infrastructure, and continuous innovation.

From Python's simplicity to SQL's data magic and Linux's system mastery, you're not just learning skills — you're sculpting a personalized pathway to excel in the tech universe. Join us at Frontlines Edutech, where each lesson is designed to fuel your passion and set you apart in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Get ready for a journey that's as unique as you are!


Jump into the world of tech with Python, SQL, and Linux – a trio that opens doors to cool jobs! According to DevJobScanner, Python is a superstar in 2023, ranking as the second most wanted language with tons of job offers. TIOBE Index confirms Python's popularity globally, and it's everywhere – from websites to AI. SQL, the data wizard, is crucial; companies are always looking for folks who can handle databases. And Linux? It's a big deal! Employers love it, especially on cloud platforms like AWS and Azure. So, learn these, and you're on the way to exciting career opportunities.


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2 Major Projects
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Technologies Covered

Frontlines EduTech (FLM) PSL - Python, SQL & Linux Syllabus

FLM's Python
  1. What is Language?
  2. Types of languages
  3. What is Scripting Language?
  4. Types of Script
  5. Programming Languages v/s Scripting Languages
  1. What is Python?
  3. What is PSF?
  4. Python implementations
  5. Python applications
  6. Python versions
  8. Difference between Python 2.x and 3.x
  9. Difference between Python 3.7 and 3.8
  10. Software Development Architectures
  1. Download &Python Installation Process Online Python IDLE
  2. Python Real-time IDEs like Spyder, Jupyter Note.
  1. Python Implementation Alternatives/Flavors
  2. ·Keywords
  3. ·Identifiers
  4. ·Constants / Literals
  5. ·Data types
  6. ·Python VS JAVA
  7. ·Python Syntax
1. Comments in Python
2. Python file extensions
3. Setting Path in Windows
4. Edit and Run python program without IDE
5. Edit and Run python program using IDEs
7. Programmers View of Interpreter
9. What is Byte Code in PYTHON?
  1. bytes Data Type
  2. byte array
  3. String Formatting in Python
  4. Math, Random, Secrets Modules
  5. Introduction
  6. Initialization of variables
  7. Local variables
  8. Input and Output operations
  9. Data conversion functions – int(), float(), complex(), str(), chr(), ord()
  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Comparison Operators
  3. Python Assignment Operators
  4. Logical Operators
  5. Bitwise Operators
  6. Shift operators
  7. Membership Operators
  8. Identity Operators
  9. Ternary Operator
  10. Operator precedence
  11. Difference between "is" vs "=="
1. Print
2. Input
3. Command line arguments
  1. Conditional control statements
    1. If
    2. If-else
    3. If-elif-else
    4. Nested-if
  2. Loop control statements
  3. for
  4. while
  5. Nested loops
  6. Branching statements
    1. Break
    2. Continue
    3. Pass
    4. Return
  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of Data structures
  3. Applications of Data structures
  4. Types of Collections
    1. Sequence
      1. Strings, List, Tuple, range
    2. Non sequence
      1. Set, Frozen set, Dictionary
    3. Strings
      1. What is string
      2. Representation of Strings
      3. Processing elements using indexing
      4. Processing elements using Iterators
      5. Manipulation of String using Indexing and Slicing
      6. String operators
      7. Methods of String object
      8. String Formatting
      9. String functions
      10. String Immutability


  1. What is List
  2. Need of List collection
  3. Different ways of creating List
  4. List comprehension
  5. List indices
  6. Processing elements of List through Indexing and Slicing
  7. List object methods
  8. List is Mutable
  9. Mutable and Immutable elements of List
  10. Nested Lists
  11. List_of_lists
  12. Hardcopy, shallowCopy and DeepCopy
  13. zip() in Python
  14. How to unzip?
  15. Python Arrays
  16. Case studies
  1. What is tuple?
  2. Different ways of creating Tuple
  3. Method of Tuple object
  4. Tuple is Immutable
  5. Mutable and Immutable elements of Tuple
  6. Process tuple through Indexing and Slicing
  7. List v/s Tuple
  8. Case studies
  1. What is set?
  2. Different ways of creating set
  3. Difference between list and set
  4. Iteration Over Sets
  5. Accessing elements of set
  6. Python Set Methods
  7. Python Set Operations
  8. Union of sets
  9. functions and methods of set
  10. Python Frozen set
  11. Difference between set and frozenset ?
  12. Case study
  1. What is dictionary?
  2. Difference between list, set and dictionary
  3. How to create a dictionary?
  5. Accessing values of dictionary
  6. Python Dictionary Methods
  7. Copying dictionary
  8. Updating Dictionary
  9. Reading keys from Dictionary
  10. Reading values from Dictionary
  11. Reading items from Dictionary
  12. Delete Keys from the dictionary
  13. Sorting the Dictionary
  14. Python Dictionary Functions and methods
  15. Dictionary comprehension.
  1. What is Function?
  2. Advantages of functions
  3. Syntax and Writing function
  4. Calling or Invoking function
  5. Classification of Functions
    1. No arguments and No return values
    2. With arguments and No return values
    3. With arguments and With return values


  1. Python argument type functions :
    1. Default argument functions
    2. Required(Positional) arguments function
    3. Keyword arguments function
    4. Variable arguments functions
  2. 'pass’ keyword in functions
  3. Lambda functions/Anonymous functions
    1. map()
    2. filter()
    3. reduce()
  4. Nested functions
  5. Non local variables, global variables
  6. Closures
  7. Decorators
  8. Generators
  9. Iterators
  10. Monkey patching
  1. Importance of modular programming
  2. What is module
  3. Types of Modules – Pre defined, User defined.
  4. User defined modules creation
  5. Functions based modules
  6. Class based modules
  7. Connecting modules
  8. Import module
  9. From … import
  10. Module alias / Renaming module
  11. Built In properties of module
  1. Organizing python project into packages
  2. Types of packages – pre defined, user
  3. Package v/s Folder
  4. py file
  5. Importing package
  6. PIP
    1. Introduction to PIP
    2. Installing PIP
    3. Installing Python packages
    4. Un installing Python packages
  1. Procedural v/s Object oriented programming
  2. Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , Abstraction (Data Hiding)
  3. Classes and Objects
  4. How to define class in python
  5. Types of variables – instance variables, class
  6. Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method
  8. Object initialization
  9. ‘self’ reference variable
  10. ‘cls’ reference variable
  11. Access modifiers – private( ) , protected(_), public
  12. AT property class
  13. Property() object
  14. Creating object properties using setaltr, getaltr functions
  15. Encapsulation(Data Binding)
  16. What is polymorphism?
    1. Overriding
      1. Method overriding
      2. Constructor overriding
    2. Overloading
      1. Method Overloading
      2. Constructor Overloading
      3. Operator Overloading
  1. Class re-usability
  2. Composition


  1. Aggregation
  2. Inheritance – single , multi level, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid inheritance and Diamond inheritance
  3. Constructors in inheritance
  4. Object class
  5. super()
  6. Runtime polymorphism
  7. Method overriding
  8. Method resolution order(MRO)
  9. Method overriding in Multiple inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance
  10. Duck typing
  11. Concrete Methods in Abstract Base Classes
  12. Difference between Abstraction & Encapsulation
  13. Inner classes
  14. Introduction
  15. Writing inner class
  16. Accessing class level members of inner class
  17. Accessing object level members of inner class
  18. Local inner classes
  19. Complex inner classes
  20. Case studies

1. What is Exception?
2. Why exception handling?
3. Syntax error v/s Runtime error
4. Exception codes – AttributeError,
ValueError, IndexError, TypeError…
1. What is Exception?
2. Why exception handling?
3. Syntax error v/s Runtime error
4. Exception codes – AttributeError,
ValueError, IndexError, TypeError…
a. Handling exception – try except block
b. Try with multi except
c. Handling multiple exceptions with single except blockr
5. Finally block
a. Try-except-finally
b. Try with finally
c. Case study of finally block
6. Raise keyword
a. Custom exceptions / User defined exceptions
b. Need to Custom exceptions
5. Finally block
a. Try-except-finally
b. Try with finally
c. Case study of finally block
6. Raise keyword
a. Custom exceptions / User defined exceptions
b. Need to Custom exceptions
7. Case studies

  1. Understanding regular expressions
  2. String v/s Regular expression string
  3. “re” module functions
  4. Match()
  5. Search()
  6. Split()
  7. Findall()
  8. Compile()
  9. Sub()
  1. Logging Levels
  2. implement Logging
  3. Configure Log File in over writing Mode
  4. Timestamp in the Log Messages
  5. Python Program Exceptions to the Log File
  6. Requirement of Our Own Customized Logger
  1. How to use Date & Date Time class
  2. How to use Time Delta object
  3. Formatting Date and Time
  4. Calendar module
  5. Text calendar
  6. HTML calendar
  1. Shell script commands
  2. Various OS operations in Python
  3. Python file system shell methods
  4. Creating files and directories
  5. Removing files and directories
  6. Shutdown and Restart system
  7. Renaming files and directories
  8. Executing system commands
  1. Introduction
  2. Multi tasking v/s Multi threading
  3. Threading module
  4. Creating thread – inheriting Thread class , Using callable object
  5. Life cycle of thread
  6. Single threaded application
  7. Multi threaded application
  8. Can we call run() directly?
  9. Need to start() method
  10. Sleep()
  11. Join()
  12. Synchronization - Lock class – acquire(), release() functions
  13. Case studies
  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of Manual garbage collection
  3. Self reference objects garbage collection
  4. ‘gc’ module
  5. Collect() method
  6. Threshold function
  7. Case studies
    1. Introduction to DBMS applications
    2. File system v/s DBMS
    3. Communicating with MySQL
    4. Python – MySQL connector
    5. connector module
    6. connect() method
    7. Oracle Database
    8. Install cx_Oracle
    9. Cursor Object methods
    10. execute() method
  1. What is SQL?
  2. What is Oracle?
  3. History of SQL 
  1. Numeric data types
  2. Date & Time data types
  3. String data types
  4. Other data types
  1. DDL (Data Definition Language)
  2. DQL (Data Query Language)
  3. DML(Data Manipulation Language)
  4. DCL (Data Control Language)
  5. TCL (Transaction Control Language)
  1. Create
  2. Alter
  3. Rename
  4. Truncate
  5. Drop
  1. Insert
  2. Update
  3. Delete


  1. Grant
  2. Revoke
  1. Commit
  2. Rollback





Eg: SELECT aggregate_function(column) FROM table_name WHERE condition;

  1. Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %
  2. Comparison Operators: =, != (or <>), >, <, >=, <=
  3. Logical Operators: AND, OR, NOT
  4. Assignment Operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=
  5. Concatenation Operator: ||
  6. IS NULL Operator
  7. LIKE Operator
  8. BETWEEN Operator
  9. IN Operator
  10. EXISTS Operator
  1. BETWEEN: Compares two values within a range
  2. IN: Compares a value with a set of values
  3. LIKE: Compares values in a database
  4. IS NULL: Indicates that a column value does not exist
  3. DISTINCT Clauses
  5. CHECK
  1. UNION
  4. MINUS
  1. View
  2. Sequence
  3. Synonyms

In SQL, a subquery is a query that is nested inside another query - Nested Queries

  1. Introduction
  2. Features of PL/SQL
  3.  Structure of PL/SQL
  4. PL/SQL Language Elements
  5. Data Types
  6. Control Structure
  7. Steps to Create a PL/SQL
  8. Iterative Control
  9. Select Statement in PL/SQL
  10. Cursors
  11. Steps to create a Cursors
  12. Cursor Attributes
  13. Procedure
  14. Function
  15. Packages
  16. Exceptions Handling
  17. Database Triggers
  18. Types of Triggers
FLM's Linux
  1. Operating Systems
  2. Why Unix/Linux
  3. About Linux Operating System
  1. Introduction to Virtual Machines
  2. Installing Oracle Virtual Box/ VMware
  3. Downloading and Installing Linux image
  1. About Command Prompts/Terminal
  2. Input and Output redirections
  3. Standard output to a file
  4. User Management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel)
  1. Linux File System
  2. File System structure and Description
  3. File System Navigation Commands (cd, ls, pwd)
  4. Creating Files and Directories (touch, cp, vi, mkdir)
  5. File operations (cp, mv, find, locate)
  1. apt
  2. install, uninstall, update, upgrade a software
  1. Vi - edit, save, append
  2. Vim - edit, save, append
  3. Differences between vi and vim
  4. Nano
  1. Processes, jobs, scheduling
  2. Ps, top, kill, bg, fg, crontab
  1. What is a shell
  2. Types of Shells
  1. Ping, ifconfig, tcpdump, netstat, ifup, ifdown
  2. Wget
  3. Curl
  4. Apache webserver
  5. Sudo, su, history, who, date, utime

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FLM Python, SQL & Linux Testimonials

We're " FLM " proud to be the trusted brand for millions in both Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Telugu States!

Two states, one trust – we’ve got you covered.

FAQ's - FLM's PSL Training Telugu

In our exclusive course, Python becomes your coding superpower, SQL transforms you into a data wizard, and Linux empowers you to navigate computer systems like a seasoned pro. Crafted uniquely for you, this coding adventure with Frontlines Edutech is not just about gaining skills—it's about sculpting a distinctive path towards securing a job in the dynamic software industry.

Absolutely not. We aim to train you from pure basics to advance, and only your valuable time and practice are required after our classes.

70+ Working Days (average of 80+ Hours industry recommended course content)

No. We will cover basic to advanced with 100% solid training.

Our fees for the PSL - Python, SQL and Linux  are very competitive & best in the quality at only 5,499/-.
We also offer EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) options to make it more accessible, NO Hidden Charges.

Yes, we provide a certificate called the "PSL - Python, SQL & Linux Course Completion FLM Certificate".

our certificate is ISO certified, ensuring its quality and recognition in the industry. After successfully completing the course, you'll receive the "FLM Certificate," which is ISO certified, and the certificate will be delivered to your registered email address.

Yes, we provide day-to-day recordings and notes, and it takes a minimum of 3 hours after completing the class for them to be uploaded and accessible.

Yes, changes to your email and mobile numbers are accepted. However, to process the request, please ensure you submit the proper details and reason for the change.

If you face password change issues on our website, you can reset your password using your registered email ID. Visit, go to the login section, and follow the password reset process. If you encounter more issues or need further assistance, you can contact us on WhatsApp at +91 8333077727 or via email at

We have a strong support system in place to assist you. Our PSL Team Assistant is available to help, and we offer dedicated mail support. You will receive details on how to access this support after joining the course. Rest assured, we're here to help you with any issues or doubts you may encounter during your project work.

Yes, For the first 100 members, it is 2 years, while the remaining members will have access for 1 year.

No problem! All live sessions will be recorded, and you can access them from anywhere at your convenience. If you still face any issues, you can contact us at the provided email address:, for assistance.

While live attendance is encouraged for a more interactive experience, it is not mandatory. You can choose to access the recording sessions. You won't face any problems; both options are available to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences.

Yes, you will be eligible to receive a certificate, even if you can't attend live classes. However, to receive the certificate, you will need to complete the course by reviewing the recorded sessions.

We don't offer job placements, but we provide job assistance. Our focus is on training you to excel in (PSL i.e..,) Python-based interviews, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed for success. We are committed to providing truthful and valuable support to help you advance in your career.

Our strong social presence allows us to share valuable information about interviews and placement opportunities in the field.

Absolutely, you can include the projects on your resume to showcase your practical experience. Our projects have real-time impact and can significantly enhance your job offer prospects.

We don't offer "Pay Later" or "Cardless Payment" options. The payment process will involve choosing our EMI (Equated Monthly Installments) option when you proceed with your payments. This option allows you to pay for the course in installments, making it more manageable and accessible.

If you don't have a credit card or debit card, you can consider asking for assistance from friends or family members who do have these payment methods. You can then arrange to reimburse them according to your agreement while making the payment for the course.

Yes, we cover all the essential topics, starting from the basics and progressing to advanced concepts within the specified course duration.

Currently, we do not have offline institutes; our training is exclusively online. However, we have plans for future expansion, thanks to our students' support and feedback.

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Frontlines EduTech

We at FrontLines EduTech (FLM) strongly believe that with the right guidance and perfect determination, any student willing to learn to program can become a master of coding. All team members at FrontLines EduTech are aces of their respective fields and they share the highest level of commitment towards quality teaching and student success and satisfaction.

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